Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Exploring online videos this week has been great fun, however mildly frustrating as the video kept stopping every few seconds. I can easily see how online videos could be applied to our work, especially after looking at how some other libraries are using them. There seems to be no end to ideas for using this technology. I liked the video from New Jersey State Library interviewing clients on what they used the library for and thought this was a fun way to engage with clients. I also think having a virtual tour of the library for interested clients is another great way to engage. The HSC art express video made me think about what we could do with our exhibitions. Interviewing curators and artists would add an extra dimension to the exhibition and be another way to promote them.

Another application might be to have online videos set up on our site to introduce new users to our services. Also having videos aimed at particular client groups outlining resources available could be useful. I attended a seminar recently where we saw YouTube videos put together by a teacher librarian for HSC students as part of the "All My Own Work" program. The librarian filmed various teachers talking about the different aspects of the program (each about 30secs to 1 min) and how students can make sure their work is all their own. I thought this was a great idea for engaging with secondary students on an important issue.

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

Some great suggestions here - when I'm planning a visit somewhere I like to research my destination ... seeing a video would be a great help.

Mylee (PLS)