Wednesday, May 28, 2008


This week I have been exploring the world of RSS feeds. I already have a Bloglines account with a variety of feeds but have eagerly added more this week. I found LibraryBytes a good professional development feed to add due to the fact that it not only contained relevant information but was also presented in an interesting style. I am also enjoying receiving the 'photo of the day' and have subscribed to some interesting food/cooking blogs.

RSS feeds are such a easy way to keep up with trends in the industry as well as with outside interests. As it's all in the one place it saves so much time and can be something to look forward to checking in the work day. RSS feeds could have many applications for library staff. For example with my job researching I use RSS feeds from different databases to alert me to when an new article is available on a certain topic Eg. the poetry of Emily Dickinson. Collection services staff could use RSS to alert them to new publications and catalogues from suppliers. I'm sure there are many more ideas for this technology.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Thanks for sharing your good ideas about RSS feeds in your workplace.