Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I chose this picture I found in Flickr for our value 'Energy and Team Work as I think this represents this in an effective way (and I also think it is quite cute). It took me a few false starts to upload the image so I am glad I achieved this in the end.

I had great fun looking at images on Flickr. There were some fantastic photo's of the SLNSW, I especially liked the ones taken at night all lit up with coloured lights. I tried out the 'lamington' search and am now keen to visit Lamington National Park (and eat lots of lamingtons). I also had a chuckle at some of the 'vegemite' images, such as 'Vegemite tasting experiment 3' and recoiled in horror at the thought of 'vegemite gelato'.


Tigers said...

You said you had a few false starts posting the picture from flick. I have not been successful yet. Any advice

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

It's a beautiful image - great choice.

Mylee (PLS)