After hearing so much talk and excitement surrounding 2.0 technology it is great to have a structured program to follow week by week. Although I have tried out bits and pieces out on my own it is useful to have something to follow every week and build on my knowledge.
I hope to learn about these technologies in more depth and become confident using them and showing others how to use them. Some of the technologies I do currently use such as RSS feeds, which I find really useful for my work and for obtaining information on outside interests. Others such as LibraryThing and delicious I am new to and am looking forward to trying.
I currently subscribe to a couple of blogs both library related and for outside interests. I find they are a fantastic way to keep up with the trends in the industry and see what others are doing, they can be quite inspiring too. I think the blogs that I enjoy reading the most have interesting content, a converstional language style that draws you in and makes you want to be part of that community. Blogs are a great way for people from all over the world to connect and share thoughts, passions and ideas which really opens up new worlds for them.
I can see real potential for blogs inside the State Library especially after reading some of the blogs put together by the Library of Congress and the Powerhouse Museum. This technology could provide a great opportunity for us to share stories and information about some of unique and interesting items, it could also be used to share information on new or relevant resources for specific client groups. As many of our clients are offsite it gives an opportunity for us to engage with them and get feedback.